【第74回】十日町雪まつりレポート/74th Tokamachi Snow Festival Report

「第74回 十日町雪まつり」が、本日2月18日(土)3年ぶりに開催されました!
The 74th iteration of the Tokamachi Snow Festival was held on February 18th for the first time in three years!!
The Toppaku Park and Machinaka Snow Park functioned as the main areas for the event and were the two major hiroba of the city.
We had so many visitors who got to try out the smorgasbord of available food stalls, and everyone got to enjoy the heaps of snow as well. There were a lot of happy faces!!
There were a total of 42 snow sculptures made between several types of local groups, including artists, specialists, and students.
All of the beautiful sculptures were crafted with such amazing precision and based on some truly imaginative designs and themes.
※第74回 雪の芸術展 受賞作品はこちら
To cap off the evening, there was a gorgeous show of fireworks lighting up the sky as part of this year’s theme, which was “Painting the Future in the White Snow.”
Thank you to all who were able to attend the 74th Tokamachi Snow Festival!!